The role of NGOs in a society’s development is undisputedly critical. When NGOs collaborate with other bodies such as corporates, or governmental organizations, and an authorized refurbisher like RenewIT the synergy is sure to create a deep impact on the society.

For the ‘Computers in Schools’ initiative, NGOs play a crucial role in identifying schools that lack financial support or infrastructure. They not only provide assistance in setting up the lab, but also go the extra mile in training the faculty members by organizing workshops and seminars.

Project Selection and Evaluation

Project Selection and Evaluation
  • Assist in the site selection for assessing the readiness of using computers at that site

Delivering the computers to the location

Delivering the computers to the location
  • Pack the systems and ensure proper delivery of computers to the location

Setting up of the computers at the location

Setting up of the computers at the location
  • Set up the computer lab at the location so that the recipient can start using the computers immediately

After sales support for ensuring continued usage

After sales support for ensuring continued usage
  • Provide support and maintenance locally so that the computers can be used more productively

Compliant disposal on end of life

Compliant disposal on end of life
  • Collect the end of life IT assets from recipients
  • Ensure compliant disposal as per Pollution Control Board norms